Veneers provide a unique creative touch to your dental experience at Aakaar Dentistry. Our competent team strives to create a flawless veneer integration that enhances your natural smile, going above and beyond the technical requirements. Reclaim the potential of your smile with our dedication to creating veneers that capture the spirit of your distinct dental personality in addition to improving beauty.
You absolutely can! The veneer ceramic, are stain-resistant, and veneers require special diets.
Veneers can last 10 to 15 years with proper dental hygiene, and with careful maintenance, they may last up to 20 years.
They are long-lasting and require little maintenance with at-home oral hygiene.
Your natural teeth are bonded to veneers. By forming a natural seal between the veneer and the underlying tooth structure, this method of bonding guarantees that the teeth below are completely safeguarded. Nonetheless, it's crucial to develop appropriate oral hygiene practices and schedule twice-yearly dental exams.
The amount varies; during your appointment, we'll figure it out. While some choose for 6–12 veneers for a consistently bright, balanced, and gorgeous smile, a single veneer might solve particular difficulties.